3rd Updated Bird Checklist Curaçao November 2024

Do you have a bird checklist for the island?” This is almost always the first question we get from birders who are planning to visit the island of Curaçao. A birding checklist is very handy to have when visiting a new country and looking for which species to be on the lookout for. Of course we always direct everyone towards ebird.org to get the most updated list for the island for that specific moment. And we will keep doing that, as local birders on the island continue to discover new species visiting the island almost every year.

Sequence of publications
In May 2022 Bird Watching Curaçao published the very first updated bird checklist for the island, followed by a second update in September 2023. After a very exciting 14 months now it’s time to present the 3rd updated bird checklist for the island with all the latest discoveries and now also including the bird names in Papiamentu, the local language of the island, besides the names in English, Dutch and of course the scientific names of each species.

This list will definitely help out on your birding adventures on the island. Colour coding in the document gives easy information on each species about them being breeding birds, migratory birds, released or escaped birds, or incidental visitors. This document will be updated regularly, as soon as there are new species spotted. So be sure to check in regularly for the latest list!

For birders who want more information and the stories of the birds of Curaçao can purchase the book ‘Vogels van Curaçao’ (in Dutch) by authors Pors & Pors-da Costa Gomez, at the local bookstores (Bruna & Mensing’s Caminada).

Download the document for free on this page: 3rd Updated Bird Checklist Curaçao November 2024

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