Shells: Common purple snail

In 1758 Linnaeus gave the scientific name Janthina janthina to a tiny and very delicate purple / blue snail shell and its snail inhabitant.

Shells – The Bleeding Tooth Nerite

This snail and shell species has quite a name in English: the Bleeding Tooth Nerite. It is kind of logical though if you take a good look at the shell this snail species builds for itself.

A plastic cup on the head

If you look around critically in any random supermarket or shop and analyse how much plastic is used, how much plastic is available and how much is disposed of as…

Surprise along the coast

Every visit to the coastline, and especially along the accessible parts of the north coast, is a new discovery. Life along the coast is different every time you visit. And…

Plastic soup

The oceans are drowning in plastic and the Caribbean is no exception. From large pieces of plastic to the tiniest, barely visible to the naked eye bits of microplastic, humans…

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