At Christmas the inner rosette of one of the Teku di mondi plants (Bromelia humilis) was bright red with a characteristic white cotton-like ball in the middle. Our teku would…
Maand: december 2024
A bid for her favors
Impress, dance, the most beautiful colors and feathers. It takes quite a bit of work for a male bird to seduce a female. With one species it is even more…
The Infrou
A little attention for one of the most hated prickly plants of our island, the Infrou or Opuntia caracassana, a plant that can be used perfectly to keep annoying fellow…
Surprise along the coast
Every visit to the coastline, and especially along the accessible parts of the north coast, is a new discovery. Life along the coast is different every time you visit. And…
Plastic soup
The oceans are drowning in plastic and the Caribbean is no exception. From large pieces of plastic to the tiniest, barely visible to the naked eye bits of microplastic, humans…
The ‘Atlantic Ghost Crab’
As soon as the last human feet leave the beach and the sun sends its last rays onto the land, a completely different world wakes up and starts living its…