Shells – The Bleeding Tooth Nerite

This snail and shell species has quite a name in English: the Bleeding Tooth Nerite. It is kind of logical though if you take a good look at the shell this snail species builds for itself.

A plastic cup on the head

If you look around critically in any random supermarket or shop and analyse how much plastic is used, how much plastic is available and how much is disposed of as…

Water conservation in Curaçao; using traditional earthen dams

The climate in Curaçao is semi-arid to arid. Every century several extended periods of drought occur with practically no rain. A whole system of earthen dams for water conservation was developed since early colonial times.

The Flower pot parasol

Mushrooms, the reproductive organs of fungi, are everywhere during the rainy season of the islands and in different colors and sizes. Some appear in plant pots and disappear as quickly…

Butterfly species: Cracker

Butterflies are very good indicators of the health of ecosystems. In recent years, the number of butterflies and the diversity of butterfly species have been depressingly low on our island.…

Spiny Spiders

Aruba and Curaçao do not have large hairy spiders like the feared Tarantulas in South America, but they do have a large number of other species, most of which are…

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