Shells: Common purple snail

In 1758 gaf Linnaeus een minuscuul klein en zeer teer paars/blauw schelpje en de bijbehorende slak de wetenschappelijke naam Janthina janthina.

Shells – The Bleeding Tooth Nerite

This post is also available in: Dutch (below) This snail and shell species has quite a name in English: the Bleeding Tooth Nerite. It is kind of logical though if…

The Flower pot parasol

Mushrooms, the reproductive organs of fungi, are everywhere during the rainy season of the islands and in different colors and sizes. Some appear in plant pots and disappear as quickly…

Butterfly species: Cracker

Butterflies are very good indicators of the health of ecosystems. In recent years, the number of butterflies and the diversity of butterfly species have been depressingly low on our island.…

A bid for her favors

Impress, dance, the most beautiful colors and feathers. It takes quite a bit of work for a male bird to seduce a female. With one species it is even more…

The Infrou

A little attention for one of the most hated prickly plants of our island, the Infrou or Opuntia caracassana, a plant that can be used perfectly to keep annoying fellow…

The ‘Atlantic Ghost Crab’

As soon as the last human feet leave the beach and the sun sends its last rays onto the land, a completely different world wakes up and starts living its…

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